Gestalt Therapy - A podcast about living here and now

Episode 21 - Closing the Gestalt

What do you do when you have an open Gestalt? I begin in this episode to tell you about how I created an open gestalt by acting too fast. Sending an email without reading it twice, leaving abruptly without a proper goodbye which left some wondering if I was angry with them. Over the years I have learned to say a proper goodbye and properly close the Gestalt. 

Figure of today  

We humans tend to like completeness, we want to make sense of the things that are happening to us and around us. And sometimes we do not get the closure we need and we are left with unfinished business or an open Gestalt.  

How is this important? 

The way we deal with unfinished business is entirely personal. Everyone deals with this in a different way and it all depends on our life situation as well. How you have been brought up, how you have developed and where you are right now. Some unfinished business can’t be solved, for example when the person you had an argument with is no longer in your life. For some this can feel devastating. 

I will go deeper into the individual way of dealing with an open gestalt by performing a little experiment with you, dear listener.  

What’s Gestalt in all of this?  

When we grow up our experiences are highly dependent on the adults in our lives. As mentioned before, we constantly want to make sense of what is happening around us and the understanding will calm us down, a sort of self-regulation. What can help us, which we so often go to in Gestalt Therapy, is our awareness.  


Podcast Production by Lagor Services - Laila Noort 

Web Design by Patrik Osterblad 

Books mentioned:

Gestalt by Rasmussen & Busk, Publisher Frydenlund, 2015


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Just a quick disclaimer:

All case-stories are anonymised and no clients directly quoted without prior written consent.

And remember any information you hear on this podcast, see on the willegestalt website, facebook page or Instagram is for information purposes only and should never be a substitute for actual mental and/or medical advice from a doctor, psychiatrist or any other health professional.