Gestalt Therapy - A podcast about living here and now

Episode 11 - Is Christmas a test for you?

The end of the year is approaching and for some, this can be a challenging time. Spending Christmas with family, travelling, consuming or any other reason why Christmas can be “testing”.

The figure of today;

The inspiration for this episode came when I was doing a test for accreditation and I suddenly realised that Christmas can also feel like a test.

How is this important?

If we look at an event like Christmas as a test there is a possibility we might fail. Perhaps you already have experienced this feeling of failing when the outcome of an earlier Christmas was not as you expected it to be. Which resulted in feeling apprehension just about now, a few weeks before another Christmas is just around the corner. We might look forward to it and at the same time fear it.

What’s Gestalt in all of this?

There is a lot of Gestalt in Christmas. We have so much interaction during this time. With family, friends and loved ones. It is the perfect time to have a look at what happens to us when we are in the oldest maybe most stuck relations we have.

But what if we change our perspective and look at Christmas as an experiment instead of a test.?

This is the last episode for this season. We are taking a break in January and will be back with season 2 In February 2022. Warm regards and well wishes from me and my production team from The Podcast Journey.


What is Gestalt Therapy?

What’s all the fuss about the NOW? 


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Just a quick disclaimer:

All case-stories are anonymised and no clients directly quoted without prior written consent.

And remember any information you hear on this podcast, see on the willegestalt website, facebook page or Instagram is for information purposes only and should never be a substitute for actual mental and/or medical advice from a doctor, psychiatrist or any other health professional.